A Private Elementary School Where Students Thrive

Kindergarten-Second Grade Curriculum

As a parent, you know that these first years are an important time in your child’s educational career — which is why you’re looking for a Christian elementary school in Albuquerque, NM.

The primary grades set the foundation for your child’s future success in terms of godly character, development of skills, and academic growth. With that in mind, our teachers share God’s word with your child daily while also equipping them with the reading, writing, and math skills they will need to achieve success.

Daily instruction in mathematics using Saxon Math includes the use of manipulatives and model drawings to develop knowledge of basic number facts and mathematical problem solving procedures.

Computer lab time teaches kids to navigate God’s wonderful word, and online math programs enhance the math in the classroom.

Your child will learn and use phonics as a precursor to reading, and utilize grammar skills to develop their writing ability. Bible study and music are part of your child’s daily routine.

Learn more about the foundation of your child’s education from our principal and kindergarten teacher.

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Searching for a School That Will Nurture Your Child in Every Way?

Learn more in our Parent Info Packet