No School on Monday
Immanuel is hosting the annual Nurturing the Faith Conference on Monday. The faculties of Christ Lutheran in Albuquerque and Mission Lutheran School in Las Cruces will join us. Rev. Tom Eggebrecht will be our guest speaker. This is an important opportunity for fellowship and learning.

It Was Booktacular!
Thanks to all who purchased books and other widgets during the book fair. Today, between 3:05 and 3:30 pm, is your last chance to shop at the fair. We are particularly grateful to Aiden Harris and Sarah St. John, who managed the fair every day this week.
Another group of volunteers will be packing up the fair on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Many hands make light work, so if you have an hour to spare, please join us.

You are invited to Mardi Gras!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 2, at 12 p.m., when the Senior Youth will behosting a Mardi Gras-themed luncheon in the Immanuel Gym.
Enjoy delicious spicy Cajun food and share the fun with our Immanuel families while your free will offering helps Senior Youth achieve their goal of attending the LCMS Youth Gathering.
We’ll fill your tummies and make you smile!
Suggested offerings: $20 individual, $35 couple; $10 under 12 yrs; $140 table Laissez les bons temps rouler!