

Band is a class that is offered from 4th grade through 8th grade. Students in third grade receive instruction in the second semester on recorders (tone flutes).   Students are taught to read music while playing a band instrument of their own choosing. Students perform two concerts during the course of the school year. Band is lead by Chad James.

Introduction to Music

Students in grades Kindergarten -3rd are instructed in music fundamentals and singing. Each class sings at least twice a year in chapel and participates in the Christmas Musical and Spring Program. 

Christmas Program

Each year grades PK-8 present a Christmas musical in December. This musical is Biblical in theme. The production provides both drama and music opportunities for the entire school in a worshipful setting.

Choir/Music Appreciation

Choir/Music Appreciation is a class offered in 5th grade for students who do not choose to be in band. Students are given vocal direction in sacred music, popular music and seasonal songs. Choir sings several times a year in chapel services and gives a mini-concert during the Spring Program. Choir alternates quarters with Music Appreciation. Students study music theory, historical movements in history, and famous composers and musicians.

Spring Program

The entire school participates in a spring program in May. This event showcases the choir and the bands, but also gives classes the opportunities to perform as groups. There are also opportunities for individuals to perform in areas of drama, dance, and music.